Pelham Civics Induct Six New Members for the New Year!
President Mike Ming and Membership Chairman John Boyce proudly welcomed six new Pelham Civic members to the organization: Chris Nieves, Rob Rubicco, Chris Michailoff, Chris Harriss, Tyler Garrow, and John Gardner.
Membership Chair John Boyce, Chris Nieves, Rob Rubicco, Chris Michailoff, Chris Harriss, Tyler Garrow, and John Gardner, President Mike Ming
Each new member was given a Pelham Civic Membership packet that included information about the organization's structure and significant role in the community (Mission Statement, Organization Chart, Summary of Committees and Chairs, Schedule of Annual Events, List of Board Members and Officers, and of course a new Membership Pin!). Additionally, each new Member was paired with a current member or “Big Brother”. The Big Brothers will help the new members navigate their entrance into the Civics and match their interests with opportunities within the Association. VP John Boyce noted, "We all worked extremely hard in making sure that our organization continues to grow to meet the needs of our community. We are encouraged that these six new members - with their families - will continue to strengthen the Pelham Civics' legacy. Plus, we have a solid pipeline of additional candidates and hope to swear in another class by the end of the first quarter of 2022." President Mike Ming concluded, "During these challenging times we have never deviated from our mission to assist the youth, elderly, financially needy and mentally and physically challenged. I am extremely proud of our hard-working membership and immensely appreciative to our loyal partners and donors throughout our community."