In The News

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2023 Community Awards Applications

The Pelham Civic Association will award $28,000 to seven Pelham students who demonstrate community service, charitable support, and civic leadership at the annual Senior Awards Assembly on June 6, 7 PM.

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Healthcare Career Workshop

Career Workshop for PMHS Students on Friday, March 24, at 9 AM. Healthcare has many opportunities for a variety of careers. Come to our LIVE event to hear from people with hands-on experience helping patients heal.

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Toonerville Music Festival 2022

2022 Line-Up: Living Colour, Strand of Oaks, Eliza and the Delusionals, Cosmic Guilt, The Lonely Together, Lizzie and the Makers, Saccharine, The Stellar Wolfs, Andrew Cole and the Bravo Hops, Warren Banholzer, Today’s Outfit, Matty Reynolds, Phil Kiami Band, Sade Fox, Liam Ginsburg and the Delay

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Mike Volpe and Phil Carfora, 2022 Persons of the Year

The Pelham Civic Association will present its most prestigious award - Persons of the Year - to longtime Pelham Civic Officers Michael Volpe and Philip Carfora. They will be honored at the Civics Annual Dinner Dance Gala on October 14th at the elegant Surf Club in New Rochelle.

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Pelham Olympics - Saturday, June 4

An annual event hosted by the Pelham Civics Association for all Pelham kids K-5. Participants “compete” in fun athletic games from a sack race to shooting on a professional soccer goalie, tug of war, running races (optional), and more. Everyone medals at the Pelham games!

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Pelham Civics and DeCicco & Sons Help this Holiday Season

The pandemic may have put the parts of the world on pause, but the Pelham Civic Association and DeCicco & Sons teamed up to assist those in need during the holiday season. According to Dr. Stanley Trocchia, current Chair of the Pelham Civics’ Good Neighbor Program, “We have a wonderful 30-year tradition with DeCicco & Sons during the holidays. Because of their benevolent donation, the Civics were able to provide dozens of families with both Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, which we refer to as ‘deserving families.

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Pelham Civic Association Stands United Against Bigotry and Exclusion

We at the Pelham Civic Association are anguished over the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and many other victims of injustice and racism in the United States. We recognize that their horrific deaths are just the latest manifestations of the racism and inequality prevalent in our society. We are particularly saddened to hear our Black neighbors sharing their own stories of bias and discrimination right here in Pelham.

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$25,000 in Community Awards to PMHS Students

These awards recognize special students who not only excel academically but have also made significant contributions to our community through their leadership in volunteer time, actions, talents, and dedication. These honorees selected serve as role models for compassion and service, as they demonstrated enthusiasm and motivation in the areas of community service, charitable support, civic leadership, and creativity in service:

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PMHS Students Experience Hands-On Scientific Knowledge in a Practical World During Pelham Civic Career Workshop on Technology

At one time, technology was simply considered a backdrop to our workplaces and daily life. Now it’s, perhaps, the most significant component that’s interwoven into the fabric of how we work and live each and every day. So it would only stand to reason that the Pelham Civic Association and Pelham Schools’ Counseling Office host a Career Workshop on “Technology,” helping students understand career options in this dynamic sector as they begin thinking about college and the world beyond Pelham.

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